DON’T LIKE THE USA LEAVE IT? Simply heartbroken to see blatant political lies like this (below) posted on “friend’s” pages (granted, “friends” I haven’t seen in decades). Ever since, 2016, misinformation, political rhetoric to the extreme, the demonization of other Americans who happen to disagree with them, science defying, bot-backed, simply dangerous conspiracy theories that would make an intelligent, clear-thinking human blush, a complete lack of empathy for fellow humans, some doing so in the name of religion… yet they post and repeat known lies w/o a bit of shame in the name of patriotism? When did blatant lying become ok? The only justification I can see is that it’s the small, reptilian brain at work after years of unhealthy media and self-fulfilling social-media feedback loops (and likely, regular food) diet.
REALITY CHECK: Here’s a bit of TRUTH: You and I are where we each are because of WHO we each are. If it’s not working out for you, look no further than the mirror. No one else is to blame or can take credit for your happiness, success, or lack thereof. Born in the wealthiest country in the world, if you can’t or didn’t make a go of it here, you probably can’t make a go of it anywhere. Not tasked with mere survival, you are now feeling somehow cheated? Yet still, you are likely better off physically than 99% of the rest of the world just because you won the geography lottery. No talent, skill or obviously, smarts necessary to NEVER KNOW TRUE HUNGER. Mentally? Well, that’s another ballgame. We are suffering through a mental health crisis and repeatedly posting lies, untruths and conspiracy theories on Facebook is a clear symptom. Hard truths.
Truth doesn’t know a party or a political leaning. Life is tough for EVERYONE. Don’t like it? Take it up with your Maker, not the other political party. I’ll say it again, YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE. Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself that without flinching? Do you like what you see? If you don’t, see someone, get some help. You tell me that if I don’t like the USA I can leave it… I tell you that If I don’t like the USA I will work to change it.