Journalists in the U.S. these days often get a bad rap, some of it perhaps not undeserved. But worldwide, journalists routinely risk prison, harassment or their very lives in order to speak truth to power and shine the light on corruption and criminality of those indulging in mankind’s worst impulses.
They go to dangerous places and asks dangerous questions about powerful, dangerous people and many pay with their lives, leaving behind families who love them, all for little pay, fame or glory. Would I do the same in their shoes? I can’t say with any certainty that I would. Which is why I so greatly admire those who choose to do what’s right over their own personal safety and too often pay the ultimate sacrifice to uncover the truth in places where Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press can get you killed.
The truth is more powerful than any government, company or individual and eventually, it will not be suppressed. The folks who bring it to bear are truly some of the world’s bravest heroes.