Is Murdoch Even a “News” Man Anymore?
Fox News Channel and the New York Post have seemingly, completely and 100% given up even a semblance of journalism and are simply “making it up” as they go along.

Fox News Lives Different Than It’s Pundits Preach
Fox Business Senior Head Booker Passes Away From Covid After FNC Network Downplays Pandemic.

Hard Work And Talent Pays Off?
I also always used to say that you could not SUE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS.

Rob’s Reads – Review of Rick Steve’s “Travel as a Political Act”
I was not a big Rick Steve’s fan, then the pandemic hit and that all changed.

Rethinking my relationship to Tennessee
I still love Tennessee. And I will continue to defend against lazy stereotypes. But not like before. Not after so many Tennesseans supported this coward conman, who caused this insurrection. Not after being so intellectually lazy too. Stereotypes are, after all, based on some kernel of truth. It appears the grain of truth in Tennessee was more extensive than I had imagined.

Tribute to my Father
If having a heart threatens our way of life, then it’s a way of life that is doomed to failure anyway. Having a heart is a feature, not a bug, for the denizens of this country. It is why we are so prosperous, not in spite of it.

Can’t Handle the Truth?
While facts can be interpreted differently depending on one’s unique inherent life experiences, confirmation biases, etc., traits that we ALL have and must face, there is and will always only be one set of verifiable facts. For that, the much-maligned “mainstream” media is the only media that at least pretends to hold themselves accountable to journalistic standards, some baseline degree of ethics, and a minimum level of integrity.

The Truth is the ONLY Defense
In an era of brazen political lies, Mr. Mugica has emerged as an unlikely figure with the power to put the genie back in the bottle. Last week, his lawyer sent scathing letters to the Fox News Channel, Newsmax and OAN demanding that they immediately, forcefully clear his company’s name — and that they retain documents for a planned defamation lawsuit.

Happy Holidays from New York City
No, we can’t (or shouldn’t) shop till we drop at big department stores, nor can we (or should we) hit big Holiday parties. At least not this year. We can instead celebrate the silver lining of this moment in our lives. We can rise to the moment to revel in Christmas’s true meaning by giving to others and practicing goodwill towards all our fellow humans.

News or Confirmation Bias? Truth or Alternative Facts?
I am not a male super-model, I will never be a male super-model and therefore, I will not waste my time pursuing a career as a male super-model… I’ll try something I am more suited for and stop staring in the mirror trying to see something there, that is clearly not.

Reflections on Christianity and the Election
Though my thoughts on religious ideology have expanded and evolved immensely as I’ve grown older, this basic fact is what I still believe. We are all imperfect but are tasked with striving to be better every day. I would add that we should strive to leave our fellow humans in a better place when we leave than when we entered.

Reflections in 9/11/01
For weeks after 9/11/01, I smelled the burning embers and flesh. But when I went uptown, it was as if it never happened. Folks went about their lives, eating out, laughing, having a good time. I wondered about how humans can do such everyday things when near so much suffering of neighbors.

A Song for Venezuela, a Lesson for Us All
Roman’s collaborator was tortured by the current Venezuelan regime and escaped to live to tell the horrific tale. He now has a message of hope for all Venezuelans living through unspeakable darkness for so many years. He survived, he is fighting, and is still optimistic, a lesson for us all here in the USA, as we struggle through these dark times in our own country.

Fox News Channel Practices What it Doesn’t Preach
…corporate leaders are making responsible decisions for their employees to keep they and their families safe by ordering non-production staff to work remotely through the end of 2020.

Punk Rock Covid Deniers
Everyone was skeptical and slow to react appropriately at first, but then conspiracy theories lit the internet on fire and gave people an excuse to be ignorant.

Covid 19 Sparks Childish Behavior in the USA
Personal responsibility means taking control of your dignity, character and morality. Stand tall and do the right thing and if you still get sick, you will be mentally strong enough to overcome it. Or if not, at least you can bravely face what God has intended for you.

Fox News and Fake News
This is what the Fox News photo should have looked like.

Journalistic Fact vs. Opinion
For those who scream “fake news” for any info that challenges their ideological world view, and for those who support folks in power who rage “enemy of the people” because the media are doing their job, and even for those who just those take freedom of an independent press for granted, please consider where we’d be if the only news we received were from the government.

The Problem With Oops, Sorry!
I’ve noticed that pandemic downplaying or wild conspiracy theories tend to propagate mainly from right and left extremes and often, from otherwise intelligent people.

Don’t like the USA leave it?
Truth doesn’t know a party or a political leaning. Life is tough for EVERYONE. Don’t like it? Take it up with your Maker, not the other political party. I’ll say it again, YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE. Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself that without flinching? Do you like what you see? If you don’t, see someone, get some help. You tell me that if I don’t like the USA I can leave it… I tell you that If I don’t like the USA I will work to change it.