What would happen if a few people weren’t dragging the rest of us down?

Open Letter to Tennessee’s Elected Officials About Ukraine

Dear Senator Marsha Blackburn, Representative Tim Burchett, and Representative Scott Desjarlais,  I am writing to thank you for agreeing to meet with our contingent of your constituents last month during the Ukraine Action Summit. As you are aware, support for Ukraine against Russian tyranny and war crimes is at a crossroads. International rule of law, […]

Why I wore a tie for the first time in years

PART ONE – WHY THE CAUSE? A few weeks ago, I wore a tie for the first time in several years because I had the privilege of advocating before elected U.S. Senators and Congresspeople’s offices and staffs for a cause I cared deeply about. The cause was to convince U.S. Congresspeople and Senators about the […]