What would happen if a few people weren’t dragging the rest of us down?

Raw Travel’s “My Summer in Ukraine” Film is Streaming Now.

Raw Travel’s “My Summer in Ukraine” documentary film premiered to a standing-room-only crowd in New York City last month, a scant one week after the election. I was amazed and grateful at the response of the crowd, especially Ukrainians, who were visibly moved, some to tears. Rather than trot the film out to film festivals […]

Trump Cuts Out the Middleman to Fascism

I used to think that Trump = Putin and Putin = Hitler, but these days, Trump is cutting out the middleman and quoting directly from Hitler. He’s getting unprecedented help from Putin and the ruzzian bot and disinformation army who are uninhibited with their hybrid war with the west. I’ve never seen so many bots […]

Trumpism’s Cognitive Dissonance

While visiting family down south, I had yet another befuddling conversation with a “Trumper” also claiming to be a “Ukraine supporter” who has somehow rewired their brain to ignore the fact that the Trump faction of the GOP are the primary folks responsible for abandoning Ukraine by blocking continued US funding. I’m curious how one […]