WHY IS GREY MY FAVORITE COLOR? That REALLY strong opinion you espouse… could it be the seeds were planted by a foreign government bent on sowing discord here in the US?
That would mean we’re being manipulated to argue and be divided politically, among friends, families, etc. by agents of foreign governments (with sadly, probably some help at home as well). Throw in the small % of people who run corporations that own most of the major national media & technology within the USA and you have a recipe for manipulation not seen since the days that most of the populace was illiterate and uneducated and ruled by Monarchs.
What to do?
Respect others’ opinions.
If you consider yourself a “conservative”, maybe read a “liberal” newspaper like the NY Times or watch a liberal TV show on MSNBC sometime.
STOP being railroaded into thinking a certain way just because you live in a certain geography or were “brought up” a certain way.
There’s a reason they say you can’t imprison the mind. Borders in the brain are self-imposed.
Think for yourself. Humans are imperfect but from Bangkok to Baghdad to Boston, most are good-hearted folks. Give your fellow human a break. Life is grey, it is not black and white. Which is why, grey is my favorite color.